Top > Society > Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual > BDSM > Lesbian
#LesbianBDSM : An irc network chat room on BDSM for Butch and femme lesbians, bisexual women, and gay women. Includes information on how to join, and photos of some of the regulars.
Bound by Desire : A BDSM club in Austin, Texas, welcoming all responsible leatherwomen who have a sincere interest in the lifestyle.
Dyke Uniform Corps : A private association of women who wear military and law enforcement uniforms within the bdsm, leather and fetish communities.
Exiles : [San Francisco] Social and educational organization for women interested in s/m between women. Calendar, list of past programs, and informational articles about SM.
Female Dominance and submission : Woman only BDSM. Includes articles, an advice column, erotic fiction, a recommended bookshelf, and related links.
Hromovy's portal : Includes presentation schedules and items for sale from Hromovy, co-chair of Bound by Desire, and long time BDSM activist and speaker.
Kindred Spirit Lodge : A loosely knit group of leatherdykes. Includes archives of Lesbian bdsm stories, romance, erotica, roleplays, and Xena Fan Fiction.
Leather Vista : Dedicated to serving the lesbian BDSM community. Includes chat and "ask the experts" feature.
Lesbian Sex Mafia : One of the oldest leather women's organizations, based in NYC. Includes how to join, events, and the "difference between SM and abuse" pamphlet.
MOB : The Massachusetts Orgasmic Bitches. A New England Organization of Women to Women BDSM
Southern Leather Lesbians At Play : Provides a safe and supportive environment for women to learn, share and explore with other women in South Florida.
SyrEagledancer's Nest : Offers a personal and informative view of SM.
Wicked : A Southern California based social and playparty group for women interested in BDSM and other aspects of women's sexual kink.