Top > Regional > North America > Canada > British Columbia > Society > BDSM
BDSM Victoria : [Victoria] Munch group meeting twice a month. Includes information about upcoming special events.
BDSM-BritishColumbia : Mailing list to facilitate all aspects of the local BDSM lifestyle, including in-person gatherings. (Hosted on Topica; formerly hosted on Onelist/eGroups/Yahoo.)
BDSMOkanagan : Mailing list for BDSM in the Okanagan Valley, with monthly munches and occasional parties. (Successor to the bdsmkelowna list.)
BDSM_BC_North : [Prince George] Social group with monthly munches, followed by discussions, craft sessions, or play parties. Includes member profiles, poetry, and a collaborative story.
Fireworks Social Society of Vancouver : A members-only organization providing workshops, play parties, support and education for BDSM-oriented groups of all genders and sexual orientations.
Sagacity : [Victoria] Weekly munches where folks that enjoy the alternative lifestyle of BDSM gather to socialize, share, and learn. Also sponsors educational events, monthly social events, and play parties.
Vancouver Leather Alliance : [Vancouver] A pansexual, leather oriented social group promoting participation, trust, compassion, pride and fun in the British Columbia Leather Community.
Vancouver Munch : Site detailing twice monthly informal BDSM meetings. Includes time, place and a short FAQ on what to expect at a munch.
VASM : [Vancouver] A non-profit society primarily for gay & bisexual men with an interest in sadomasochism. Links and calendar of events provided.
Victoria Fetish Society : [Victoria] Non-profit organization which sponsors seminars and events. Site contains extensive general information including BDSM FAQs and glossary, tips on negotiating scenes, and members' personal experiences.