Adult Sex : Directory of UK massage parlours, escorts, agencies, premium rate phone sex services and adult contacts. Most listings use BTs K rate for contact.
Ezeagent : Directory of escorts, dancers and strip acts, photographic models and D.J's. Searchable by area, some entries with photos, web site and email links.
Helen's Collection : Online adult shopping with full range of goods, and UK wide directory of quality female escorts with photos, links and varying degrees of information.
Models and Escorts In The UK : This site advertises glamour models and escorts in the UK. Photos and details on each.
No1Elses.Biz : Discrete maintenance and building services for people working in the adult industry, including electrical and mechanical, and gas fitting (corgi registered).
phuk! : Sex shop, UK escort listings, personals, chatrooms, forums, horoscopes, sex problems, jokes, cartoons, erotic stories, free video clips and pictures. Membership, free, required for some areas of the site.
Private Blue : Adult tv channel avaliable on Sky Digital. Schedule and sign up details.
The Mistresses : Offers web design services and hosting for Mistresses based in the UK.