Top > Arts > Animation > Anime > Titles > Weiß Kreuz
Blade and Claw : A site devoted to the characters of Fujimiya Ran/Aya and Hidaka Ken. Information, fan art, fan fiction, a few doujinshi scans, links.
Dreamwalker's Weiss Kreus Fanfiction : Shounen-ai and yaoi fan fiction centering around the Youji/Omi and Crawford/Nagi pairings.
Eternal Obsession: A BradxSchu Shrine : Fan fiction, character profiles, and links. Submissions accepted.
Kuwabara no Miko's Weiss Kreuz Page : Yaoi and shounen-ai fan art, fiction, and links. Submissions accepted.
SchwarzLust : Archive of hentai, yaoi, and shounen-ai fan works featuring Schwarz. Links, humor, and doujinshi.
The Psychodelic Asylum : Fan works, original doujinshi, gifts, and links.
Weiß Kreuz Yaoi Mailing List : A list for adult discussion, fan fiction, and art work of a homosexual nature.
White June : Fan works, news, humorous posts from a mailing list, and links.